How to Make Login Page Icon: Android and i-phone

—————————————- Instructions for ANDROID ——————————————

To create an icon on your phone for easy access to the members area, please do the following steps.

*Best is to save the login screen, and not some other screen after logging in.

  1. Open Google Chrome browser on your phone/device and navigate to the Stress Free German site. There is a “Members Area” link in the top menu and at the bottom of the page
  2. When on the login screen, locate and push the three dots at the top right corner of your phone.
  3. Select: Add to Home Screen
  4. Choose “Add”
  5. You should now be able to see a new Yellow icon among the other icons on your phone. This icon will take you to the login screen.

Go to Login Screen to do this now: Login Screen

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—————————————- Instructions for i-phones/tables ———————————–

*Best is to save the login screen, and not some other screen after logging in.

You should now be able to see a new icon among the other icons on your phone. This icon will take you to the login screen.

Go to Login Screen to do this now: Login Screen

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